Sunday, October 28, 2012

Half a year...

Dear Carson,


I can’t believe you are 6 months old today. You have brought so much light and love into my life these past 6 months…I am so blessed to have you.
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. The first time I saw you I wasn’t able to hold you because of having a c-section, but you looked at me like you knew who I was. The first time I got to hold you, you snuggled right in…it was a perfect fit. We were meant for each other, and it felt like you had been waiting to meet me as long as I had been waiting to meet you.
We have learned a lot about each other over the months, and you have grown and changed so much. You looked just like your Daddy when you were born, but now you look just like me. You laugh and smile at me, you love to play peek-a-boo, and you are so squirmy and wiggly. Luckily, you do still love to snuggle, because cuddle time with you is my favorite thing.
I love dressing you up in cute outfits, the more boyish the better. Clothes shopping for you is even more fun than shopping for myself!
I’m amazed how you learn and grow each and every day. You have changed my life in so many ways, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
You, little boy, have my whole heart. I would do anything for you, and I love you more than anything in the whole world.

At six months old, Carson can/is:
-wearing some 6 month clothes, but mostly 9 month, he needs the length
-wearing size 3 diaper
-eating 6 oz. bottles 5 or 6 times a day, and one serving of baby food at night. He has tried and loved squash, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, peaches, pears, apples, and bananas. He hates rice cereal. We are going to try some oatmeal and see how that works out.
-sleeps through the night most of the time when he doesn’t have an ear infection. 
-laughs, giggles, coos, and goos, and is starting to make more consonant sounds.
-can almost sit up unsupported, but not quite.
-rolls from back to tummy frequently.
-loves to play peek-a-boo, he puts the blanket over his head and then pulls it off
-loves to be startled, he thinks it’s hilarious
-loves to splash in the bathtub
-he was at the dr. October 15 for his second double ear infection, and weighed 18 lbs. 4 oz. We will get his 6 month stats when he goes in a week or two
-he can sit in his Bumbo and hold his head up for a while now
-like the exersaucer now that his little legs almost reach the bottom
-puts anything and everything in to his mouth. And drools like a faucet, although no teeth have popped through yet.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

5 Months Old!

Carson turned 5 months old on September 28. And for once, he wasn’t sick to celebrate his monthly birthday, hallelujah!

Carson rolled over from back to tummy for the first time this month. He’s only done it once, but he spends a lot of time laying on his side getting very close to doing it. I think he’s just being lazy. J

We started solids this month, and we started with rice cereal, but he wasn’t too interested in that. So we tried a little bit of baby food, and he loves it. He is really enjoying it, and he gets it most nights. So far we have tried peas, bananas, peaches, pears, and sweet potatoes. He didn’t seem to be a big fan of the peaches, but loves the rest. About a half hour or so after eating them he is WILD for a little while, the carbs and sugar must get to him.

Carson also seems to be enjoying bath time more…he’s discovered how fun it is to splash. Sometimes he splashes with his arms and legs, and sometimes just his arms. It’s super cute.

No shots or doctor’s appointments this month. I got on the scale with him October 8, and he weighs roughly 18 pounds. He’s so solid!

He has stopped sleeping through the night most of the time, which is unfortunate. With being sick and getting shots, and then us being gone and out a lot lately, his routine is messed  up, and like his Mama, he LOVES his routine. Aunt Meghan and Uncle Jason got married on October 6, so now that those festivities are over, things should get back to normal and hopefully he will start sleeping through the night again.

I just spent yesterday cleaning out his drawers and putting away stuff that no longer fits him. I have a huge tote of clothes that are too small. It breaks this mama’s heart a little bit that her little boy is growing up sooooo fast.

Here are some Carson statistics…

- Wears mostly 6 months clothes. There are some 9 month clothes that fit him great right now, and a few 3-6 month things that still fit. It really depends on the brand!

-wears size 3 diapers. 2’s still fit, but the 3’s are a bit roomier for his squishy thighs. J

-eats 6 oz bottles, 5 or 6 times a day, with one small feeding of baby food at night.

-kicks and spins himself around when laying on his back on the floor

-laughs, smiles, coos, babbles, and gurgles at us

-recognizes faces

-makes eye contact

-lets you know when he likes or dislikes something

-holds his head up really well, and for longer periods of time

-loves his taggie blanket and burp rags to cuddle

-loves to snuggle and be held

-is becoming more mobile

-grabs things on his own, and usually puts them in his mouth

-pulls his paci out and then tries to get it back in, he does this all the time now. He usually tries to stick it in backwards or sideways
-is working on some teeth, though none have surfaced yet. He's a drool monster, and loves to chew on everything. Frozen teething rings seem to provide some relief for him.

-sometimes tries to hold his own bottle

-loves it when we imitate his goos and gaas, and tries to do it back to us. He's been doing more "yelling" too.

-supports himself on his elbows when doing tummy time...he still isn't a huge fan of tummy time, but will tolerate it, especially if Daddy or I lay down with him or we give him tummy time on our bed.

-bears weight on his legs, even though he doesn’t seem to enjoy it too much right now
-has started to whine when he wants to be held or picked up or have some attention. It's cute and annoying at the same time.