I am dangerous when left alone with my own mind! I don't know how I
found this, but Monty Python's "Sperm Song" is just what this girl needs
right now! I started seeing a new doctor and had some different
treatments this month, so I am crossing everything I can cross and
trying to remain hopeful and optimistic! Repeating this song over and
over certainly can't hurt my chances!!
There are jews in the world, there are buddists
There are hindus and mormons and then
There are those that follow mohammad, but
I've never been one of them
I'm a roman catholic
And have been since before I was born
And the one thing they say about catholics is
They'll take you as soon as you're warm
You don't have to be a six footer
You don't have to have a great brain
You don't have to have any clothes on
You're a catholic the moment dad came, because
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate
Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can't be found
Every sperm is wanted
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighborhood
Hindu, taoist, morman
Spill theirs just anywhere
But god loves those who treat their
Semen with more care
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighborhood
Every sperm is useful
Every sperm is fine
God needs everybody's
Mine, and mine, and mine
Let the pagans spill theirs
O'er mountain, hill and plain
God shall strike them down for
Each sperm that's spilt in vain
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighborhood
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted
God gets quite irate
And I do have to say...after recently approaching the 2 year mark of trying unsuccessfuly...every sperm is needed in THIS neighborhood! :)
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tears and Hope
If I could make a video to explain exactly what infertility is to a couple, this would be it. It literally took my breath away when I saw it, because it took the words right out of my mouth.
If you really want to feel the hearbreak of being diagnosed with infertility, walk a mile in my shoes, and watch this video...
...it would mean a lot to me, and the millions of other couples that suffer everyday along with us.
My journey to motherhood began exactly 2 years ago, November 8, 2008...
and for now, is unfinished...
If I could make a video to explain exactly what infertility is to a couple, this would be it. It literally took my breath away when I saw it, because it took the words right out of my mouth.
If you really want to feel the hearbreak of being diagnosed with infertility, walk a mile in my shoes, and watch this video...
...it would mean a lot to me, and the millions of other couples that suffer everyday along with us.
My journey to motherhood began exactly 2 years ago, November 8, 2008...
and for now, is unfinished...
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
You've Made a Difference Awards
"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile
and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.”
There are people who can touch our hearts just by touching our hands. God doesn’t give us the people we want. He gives us the people we need. People who will help us, hurt us, have us, and love us. People who will make us into the people we were meant to be.
I want to take some time to give out some "You've Made a Difference" awards to those important people in my life...
My husband--There really aren't words. He is my everything. My soul mate. There is a quote that says "Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale..." Well, he's mine. Plain and simple.
My mom--She is the strongest person I know. She's been through more ups and downs in her life than most people, yet she's always there for me with advice, a hug, or a shoulder to cry on. Most people think there mothers are pretty amazing, but I KNOW mine is.
My furkids--Unconditional love is an amazing thing. When you look into the eyes of an adoring dog or cat, all your cares melt away. Those animals live for you. To please you. And all they want in return is your love, some shelter, and food. It's the easiest love out there.
My Dad--We don't have the closest relationship, and the fault lies with both of us. However, I don't think there is one other person in my life who has made such an influence on my beliefs and choices. Watching someone slowly become a different person right before your eyes changes you for good. I haven't always been able to understand a lot of things about him, but there are some things I know without a doubt. He'd give me the shirt off his back if I needed it. He's always able to make me laugh. And he loves me. I'm his Sweetie Girl.
My lost baby--even though it was only a few weeks old, it's footprint will forever be on my heart. For a short, sweet moment in time, I felt a small taste of the powerful bond held between a mother and child.
My In-Laws--Since day one, they have taken me in as their own, no questions asked. There have been countless laughs, memories, and moments to remember forever with ALL of you.
God--Even though I don't see him, I feel him. And even though not all of my prayers have been answered, I know they will someday. The shortest distance between a problem and it's solution is the distance between my knees and the floor.
So, for all the people who read this (who are you all anyway? I'd love to know!)who in your life deserves an award?
There are people who can touch our hearts just by touching our hands. God doesn’t give us the people we want. He gives us the people we need. People who will help us, hurt us, have us, and love us. People who will make us into the people we were meant to be.
I want to take some time to give out some "You've Made a Difference" awards to those important people in my life...
My husband--There really aren't words. He is my everything. My soul mate. There is a quote that says "Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale..." Well, he's mine. Plain and simple.
My mom--She is the strongest person I know. She's been through more ups and downs in her life than most people, yet she's always there for me with advice, a hug, or a shoulder to cry on. Most people think there mothers are pretty amazing, but I KNOW mine is.
My furkids--Unconditional love is an amazing thing. When you look into the eyes of an adoring dog or cat, all your cares melt away. Those animals live for you. To please you. And all they want in return is your love, some shelter, and food. It's the easiest love out there.
My Dad--We don't have the closest relationship, and the fault lies with both of us. However, I don't think there is one other person in my life who has made such an influence on my beliefs and choices. Watching someone slowly become a different person right before your eyes changes you for good. I haven't always been able to understand a lot of things about him, but there are some things I know without a doubt. He'd give me the shirt off his back if I needed it. He's always able to make me laugh. And he loves me. I'm his Sweetie Girl.
My lost baby--even though it was only a few weeks old, it's footprint will forever be on my heart. For a short, sweet moment in time, I felt a small taste of the powerful bond held between a mother and child.
My In-Laws--Since day one, they have taken me in as their own, no questions asked. There have been countless laughs, memories, and moments to remember forever with ALL of you.
God--Even though I don't see him, I feel him. And even though not all of my prayers have been answered, I know they will someday. The shortest distance between a problem and it's solution is the distance between my knees and the floor.
So, for all the people who read this (who are you all anyway? I'd love to know!)who in your life deserves an award?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Project get me pregnant...a new chapter begins!!
True story...I go to meet my new Dr. for the first time today regarding
my infertility issues, and I come out with a prescription for birth
control pills! Seems counterproductive, but I can explain. :)
It all started around 11:00 this morning...
Dr. Hintz was recommended to my by my friend Wendy, and he seems just as good as she says he is.
The first thing he did was review my charts from my previous doctor, and ask a bunch of questions. He said he wasn't impressed with my blood sugar levels from my previous blood draw. I have been taking Metformin for that since February, but he bumped my dosage up to three times a day. Kinda makes me feel yucky, but I hope it will all be worth it. He also wants me to come and get a fasting glucose level done some morning in the next week or two to check and see if the Metformin is doing it's job, since we don't really know if it is or not.
He also wasn't a big fan in the fact that my previous doctor didn't provide much monitoring. I love that he doesn't mess around!
The game plan is to take the birth control pills continuously for 6 weeks, basically putting my ovaries to sleep. There are two benefits to this. One, it lowers the testosterone in my system. Two, it calms the ovaries down, so when we hit them with the fertility medicine again, they can go crazy. :)
After the 6 weeks of birth control, he wants me to try Femara again, but doubling the dosage, and having an ultrasound day 11 or so of my cycle to see if it's working. I questioned why he would want me to take medicine again that didn't do it's job the first time, but he said he has no way of knowing how I responded to it, and if it made me ovulate or not since I wasn't really monitored. If it is working, we'll try it for a month ot two. If it's not working, we'll go on to trying Clomid, still with monitoring to make sure it's doing what it is supposed to. If that doesn't work, we will try some injectables (really hoping it doesn't come to this) to get me to ovulate. In addition to that, if fertility meds don't work again it might come to inter-uterine insemination, or an IUI. It's just what it sounds like, where they take the sperm and put it directly into the uterus, so it doesn't have to work so hard.
Because we got pregnant once, he doesn't think it's a sperm issue with Brent, nor does he think my tubes are blocked. Those are things we will definitely check out if this plan doesn't work. He thinks my hormones are off, and while I may be having all the signs of ovulation, I may not acutually be doing so.
I have to say, I think this Dr. might do the trick. I'm really praying on it. Not only is his first name Brent, but the street that his office is on is Dale street, and I live on Dale Drive. Tell me it's not meant to be?
My journey to motherhood began in October 2008, and is still unfinished. Hopefully now I will be able to rewrite the story including a happy ending!
It all started around 11:00 this morning...
Dr. Hintz was recommended to my by my friend Wendy, and he seems just as good as she says he is.
The first thing he did was review my charts from my previous doctor, and ask a bunch of questions. He said he wasn't impressed with my blood sugar levels from my previous blood draw. I have been taking Metformin for that since February, but he bumped my dosage up to three times a day. Kinda makes me feel yucky, but I hope it will all be worth it. He also wants me to come and get a fasting glucose level done some morning in the next week or two to check and see if the Metformin is doing it's job, since we don't really know if it is or not.
He also wasn't a big fan in the fact that my previous doctor didn't provide much monitoring. I love that he doesn't mess around!
The game plan is to take the birth control pills continuously for 6 weeks, basically putting my ovaries to sleep. There are two benefits to this. One, it lowers the testosterone in my system. Two, it calms the ovaries down, so when we hit them with the fertility medicine again, they can go crazy. :)
After the 6 weeks of birth control, he wants me to try Femara again, but doubling the dosage, and having an ultrasound day 11 or so of my cycle to see if it's working. I questioned why he would want me to take medicine again that didn't do it's job the first time, but he said he has no way of knowing how I responded to it, and if it made me ovulate or not since I wasn't really monitored. If it is working, we'll try it for a month ot two. If it's not working, we'll go on to trying Clomid, still with monitoring to make sure it's doing what it is supposed to. If that doesn't work, we will try some injectables (really hoping it doesn't come to this) to get me to ovulate. In addition to that, if fertility meds don't work again it might come to inter-uterine insemination, or an IUI. It's just what it sounds like, where they take the sperm and put it directly into the uterus, so it doesn't have to work so hard.
Because we got pregnant once, he doesn't think it's a sperm issue with Brent, nor does he think my tubes are blocked. Those are things we will definitely check out if this plan doesn't work. He thinks my hormones are off, and while I may be having all the signs of ovulation, I may not acutually be doing so.
I have to say, I think this Dr. might do the trick. I'm really praying on it. Not only is his first name Brent, but the street that his office is on is Dale street, and I live on Dale Drive. Tell me it's not meant to be?
My journey to motherhood began in October 2008, and is still unfinished. Hopefully now I will be able to rewrite the story including a happy ending!
Friday, August 13, 2010
A little Infertility Therapy
I’m going to start this out with a letter every woman struggling with infertility wants to send…
Dear Fertility God, Regular God, Mother Nature, or To Whom It May Concern (including Oprah),
I understand that you’re busy. You have large responsibilities and a lot of things going on right now. I understand if you’re working on the oil spill, curing diseases and figuring who will take over for Oprah Winfrey after she leaves the network. I get it. You’re busy. But listen. There are a lot of us out there who really want to be mothers and we know we would make very good parents. We have gotten a taste of infertility (and it tastes awful) but we are ready to move forward to a pregnancy and a baby. We know that infertility has made us stronger and more sensitive, and we promise that we will cherish our babies every single day and give hope to others struggling with infertility.
But seriously, Fertility God/Mother Nature, infertility is making us weird. We spend too many hours staring at the toilet paper, charting our basal temperature, googling our fake pregnancy symptoms and crying at baby showers. We use words like “ovulation” and “cervical mucus” like they are apart of normal conversation. Infertility is truly making us weird and we aren’t weird people. Just pointing out that it doesn’t serve society well when people are weird.
Mother Nature, from one mother to another, you know a lot about fertilization and we could really use that knowledge right about now. Next time, you fertilize something, consider throwing a little soil our way. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours Truly,
Amanda Lloyd
Whew! That feels better. I’ve been wanting to write that letter for a long time.
You know, the infertile woman is not like everyone else. There are lots of things that make her different from a woman who can pop out kid after kid without even trying. The infertile woman is probably the only person in the world that can go into a bathroom and return in tears or leave doing a happy pee pee dance.
To normal fertile people, the bathroom is a place where you do your business and leave neither happy nor sad. To an infertile person, the toilet experience can either make you or break you. You may walk into that bathroom stall happy and singing and come out with swollen eyes and a runny nose. You either (a) got your period (leading to extreme unhappiness and an emotional breakdown OR a little happiness if you hadn’t seen your flow since 1999 and joyful she has returned; or (b) saw traces of blood a week prior to your period and feel semi-excited/confused that it might be implantation bleeding; or (c) you have wiped clear which brings a private grin to your face.
Take my advice…never have a co-worker or friend wait for you at the sink. You may go into the stall as her perky pal Patty but you are leaving as hysterical and hyperventilating Helen. And who really wants to explain to a co-worker why you just left the toilet in tears? “Wow. That was really a big one. It really hurt to get out.” You might explain as you blow your nose with toilet paper. Because with one trip to the bathroom you can go from no drinking, all healthy food, and no coffee to a bottle of wine, french fries dipped in alcohol, and half a pot of Joe.
And don’t even get me started on Facebook. Hey Facebook Friend, although I’ve enjoyed the thousands of pictures of your growing belly, your ultrasound photos and your babies first poopie diapers, for the love of God, PLEASE STOP!!!!!!
I may politely comment on my fertile friend’s daily status updates and maternity photos, but here are some things I would rather say instead…
FB Friend, I may have commented that your belly looks great but I really meant you look like a fatty!
FB Friend, your 3D ultrasound is just plain scary!
FB Friend, stop posting photos of your babies. They aren’t that cute. At least you won’t have to worry about future boyfriends!
FB Friend, you are right. Your ankles do look fat!
FB Friend, I don’t need daily updates about your pregnancy!
FB Friend, it’s unfortunate that your baby looks so much like your husband.
FB Friend, my frozen embryos are cuter than your fetus.
FB Friend, I’ll listen to you talk about your mucus plug if you’ll listen to me discuss my cervical mucus.
Facebook Friend, I love you but I am a sensitive and vulnerable woman who needs a little bit of extra support and hugs right now. And I also know that one day, I might post My belly and kid pictures too, just with a little more sensitivity…
You know what else is fun for a woman struggling with infertility? Playing the “Let’s count the pregnant women” game. Betcha can’t count just one! There’s one… There’s one… There’s one… Oh wait. She’s just fat. Thank goodness.
Every time I leave the house, it feels like every single pregnant woman on earth decides to walk past me. Every place I turn, someone’s pregnant, sporting a baby bump, pushing a stroller or even worse, pushing a stroller with a baby inside AND holding onto a toddler’s hand. How come she gets two babies when I can’t even get one?! It’s a super fun game to play because you can either play it at a baby shower or every single time you leave your house! Walking down the street – there’s a bump. Going to the grocery story – there’s a fertile in the pickle aisle. At the gym – hey look, it’s pregnancy fit hour. Neat!
I sometimes wish I could just carry a sign that read ‘I’m feeling lonely. Any other infertile’s in the crowd? If so, wave your ovulation sticks.’ But if you want to know if there are any other infertile’s out there, just look at her eyes. She will be glaring at a pregnant belly.
Damn. It’s a full time job being this bitter and jealous all of the time.
Since life is giving me lots of reasons to cry about infertility, I figured it was only fair I gave myself some reasons to laugh! Sometimes, we just have to say what's in our hearts. And while I truly don't dislike seeing people rejoice in their pregnancies, I do feel lonely when I am not able to do the same. The whole facebook thing is not how I really feel...I really do love seeing people's families and babies. But at the same time, each time someone announces their pregnancy or posts pictures of their newborns, it just reminds me that I don't have any of it.
Writing this has made me feel better than I have in a long time…
Dear Fertility God, Regular God, Mother Nature, or To Whom It May Concern (including Oprah),
I understand that you’re busy. You have large responsibilities and a lot of things going on right now. I understand if you’re working on the oil spill, curing diseases and figuring who will take over for Oprah Winfrey after she leaves the network. I get it. You’re busy. But listen. There are a lot of us out there who really want to be mothers and we know we would make very good parents. We have gotten a taste of infertility (and it tastes awful) but we are ready to move forward to a pregnancy and a baby. We know that infertility has made us stronger and more sensitive, and we promise that we will cherish our babies every single day and give hope to others struggling with infertility.
But seriously, Fertility God/Mother Nature, infertility is making us weird. We spend too many hours staring at the toilet paper, charting our basal temperature, googling our fake pregnancy symptoms and crying at baby showers. We use words like “ovulation” and “cervical mucus” like they are apart of normal conversation. Infertility is truly making us weird and we aren’t weird people. Just pointing out that it doesn’t serve society well when people are weird.
Mother Nature, from one mother to another, you know a lot about fertilization and we could really use that knowledge right about now. Next time, you fertilize something, consider throwing a little soil our way. Thank you for your consideration.
Yours Truly,
Amanda Lloyd
Whew! That feels better. I’ve been wanting to write that letter for a long time.
You know, the infertile woman is not like everyone else. There are lots of things that make her different from a woman who can pop out kid after kid without even trying. The infertile woman is probably the only person in the world that can go into a bathroom and return in tears or leave doing a happy pee pee dance.
To normal fertile people, the bathroom is a place where you do your business and leave neither happy nor sad. To an infertile person, the toilet experience can either make you or break you. You may walk into that bathroom stall happy and singing and come out with swollen eyes and a runny nose. You either (a) got your period (leading to extreme unhappiness and an emotional breakdown OR a little happiness if you hadn’t seen your flow since 1999 and joyful she has returned; or (b) saw traces of blood a week prior to your period and feel semi-excited/confused that it might be implantation bleeding; or (c) you have wiped clear which brings a private grin to your face.
Take my advice…never have a co-worker or friend wait for you at the sink. You may go into the stall as her perky pal Patty but you are leaving as hysterical and hyperventilating Helen. And who really wants to explain to a co-worker why you just left the toilet in tears? “Wow. That was really a big one. It really hurt to get out.” You might explain as you blow your nose with toilet paper. Because with one trip to the bathroom you can go from no drinking, all healthy food, and no coffee to a bottle of wine, french fries dipped in alcohol, and half a pot of Joe.
And don’t even get me started on Facebook. Hey Facebook Friend, although I’ve enjoyed the thousands of pictures of your growing belly, your ultrasound photos and your babies first poopie diapers, for the love of God, PLEASE STOP!!!!!!
I may politely comment on my fertile friend’s daily status updates and maternity photos, but here are some things I would rather say instead…
FB Friend, I may have commented that your belly looks great but I really meant you look like a fatty!
FB Friend, your 3D ultrasound is just plain scary!
FB Friend, stop posting photos of your babies. They aren’t that cute. At least you won’t have to worry about future boyfriends!
FB Friend, you are right. Your ankles do look fat!
FB Friend, I don’t need daily updates about your pregnancy!
FB Friend, it’s unfortunate that your baby looks so much like your husband.
FB Friend, my frozen embryos are cuter than your fetus.
FB Friend, I’ll listen to you talk about your mucus plug if you’ll listen to me discuss my cervical mucus.
Facebook Friend, I love you but I am a sensitive and vulnerable woman who needs a little bit of extra support and hugs right now. And I also know that one day, I might post My belly and kid pictures too, just with a little more sensitivity…
You know what else is fun for a woman struggling with infertility? Playing the “Let’s count the pregnant women” game. Betcha can’t count just one! There’s one… There’s one… There’s one… Oh wait. She’s just fat. Thank goodness.
Every time I leave the house, it feels like every single pregnant woman on earth decides to walk past me. Every place I turn, someone’s pregnant, sporting a baby bump, pushing a stroller or even worse, pushing a stroller with a baby inside AND holding onto a toddler’s hand. How come she gets two babies when I can’t even get one?! It’s a super fun game to play because you can either play it at a baby shower or every single time you leave your house! Walking down the street – there’s a bump. Going to the grocery story – there’s a fertile in the pickle aisle. At the gym – hey look, it’s pregnancy fit hour. Neat!
I sometimes wish I could just carry a sign that read ‘I’m feeling lonely. Any other infertile’s in the crowd? If so, wave your ovulation sticks.’ But if you want to know if there are any other infertile’s out there, just look at her eyes. She will be glaring at a pregnant belly.
Damn. It’s a full time job being this bitter and jealous all of the time.
Since life is giving me lots of reasons to cry about infertility, I figured it was only fair I gave myself some reasons to laugh! Sometimes, we just have to say what's in our hearts. And while I truly don't dislike seeing people rejoice in their pregnancies, I do feel lonely when I am not able to do the same. The whole facebook thing is not how I really feel...I really do love seeing people's families and babies. But at the same time, each time someone announces their pregnancy or posts pictures of their newborns, it just reminds me that I don't have any of it.
Writing this has made me feel better than I have in a long time…
Ups and Downs...
Last weekend Brent and I went to Omaha, and while there, I had a
follow-up appointment with my doctor. Unfortunately, the past 6 months
of fertility medicine has not resulted in the miracle we hoped for.
Rather than waste my time, my doctor referred me to start seeing a
Reproductive Endocrinologist, or a fertility specialist. It's not the
news I was hoping for, but it was the news I was expecting. I haven't
made the appointment yet. My insurance does not cover infertility, plus,
I think, even after almost 2 years of trying, I'm not 100% ready to
admit defeat. I know there is still hope for us. One of my friends just
found out she was pregnant after trying for 3 years, after stopping her
fertility medicine. I'm not sure what my new doctor, whoever he or she
is, will have in store for me. Some more testing, and maybe some more
medication. Or, maybe they will tell me there is no way this is
happening on our own, and we'll be forced to try alternative methods to
make our dreams come true. Or maybe my dream will never come true...I
think part of the reason I haven't called yet to make the appointment is
because I am afraid of ultimately hearing that in the end, I will never
be a mother.
I just keep reminding myself that while this road is bumpy, hilly, full of curves and detours, it's not a dead-end yet.
On the other hand, I've been trying to think of some reasons why I can be thankful I am not pregnant. I've had to dig down deep, but I think I've come up with some good ones...
1. Brent and I can have our "alone" time together everyday.
2. I can sleep in as late as I want on days I don't have to work.
3. I can drink as much coffee and pop as I want.
5. There are no Cheerios in my couch.
6. I can walk around my house naked if I want to.
7. We can go on vacation anytime our jobs allow.
8. Nothing wakes me up numerous times a night.
9. I can shop for myself.
10. Brent and I can eat out any night of the week.
11. I'm not sick every morning.
12. My ankles are never swollen.
13. I can eat food and it tastes good.
14. I don't have to use any kind of birth control.
15. I can take long, uninterrupted naps.
16. My house stays (relatively) clean when I clean it (you know, if I actually did clean it!)
18. There aren't small children crawling around forcing me to clean more often.
19. I can take cold medicine and Ibuprofen when I'm sick.
20. I never look down and suddenly realize that I have boogers, poo, breakfast, finger paint, drool, play-doh, or any other child-created substance on my clothes I've been wearing around all day.
I guess I don't have to know why God put me on this path. I just have to listen and learn. And when I think about how much this infertility feels like an uphill struggle, I just need to stop, take a deep breath, and think of how BEAUTIFUL the view will be when I get to the top
I just keep reminding myself that while this road is bumpy, hilly, full of curves and detours, it's not a dead-end yet.
On the other hand, I've been trying to think of some reasons why I can be thankful I am not pregnant. I've had to dig down deep, but I think I've come up with some good ones...
1. Brent and I can have our "alone" time together everyday.
2. I can sleep in as late as I want on days I don't have to work.
3. I can drink as much coffee and pop as I want.
5. There are no Cheerios in my couch.
6. I can walk around my house naked if I want to.
7. We can go on vacation anytime our jobs allow.
8. Nothing wakes me up numerous times a night.
9. I can shop for myself.
10. Brent and I can eat out any night of the week.
11. I'm not sick every morning.
12. My ankles are never swollen.
13. I can eat food and it tastes good.
14. I don't have to use any kind of birth control.
15. I can take long, uninterrupted naps.
16. My house stays (relatively) clean when I clean it (you know, if I actually did clean it!)
18. There aren't small children crawling around forcing me to clean more often.
19. I can take cold medicine and Ibuprofen when I'm sick.
20. I never look down and suddenly realize that I have boogers, poo, breakfast, finger paint, drool, play-doh, or any other child-created substance on my clothes I've been wearing around all day.
I guess I don't have to know why God put me on this path. I just have to listen and learn. And when I think about how much this infertility feels like an uphill struggle, I just need to stop, take a deep breath, and think of how BEAUTIFUL the view will be when I get to the top
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Daily Struggle
I have a daily struggle.
I feel the pain of it everyday.
A pain that most people will never experience or understand.
A pain that may never ease up.
A pain that hurts deep inside.
A pain that rips through my heart.
This pain has a name.
For a lot people, it’s just another word. It doesn’t affect them. It doesn’t leave them with empty, aching arms month after month.
It doesn’t make them wonder what is wrong with them. Or why their bodies can’t do something nature intended for them to do.
Infertility affects approximately 7.3 million women and their partners around the world.
I am one of many.
There are many faces of infertilty. Millions of people wanting nothing more than to be parents. Struggling month after month, with no results, watching person after person experience our dreams.

Infertility is unfair.
Infertility is cruel.
Infertility is my life.
And all I want is for it to end.
I want my miracle. I long for the excitement of a postive pregnancy test. I long to hear my babies heartbeat. I long to feel flutters of life in my belly.
But most of all, I long to be called Mommy.
I feel the pain of it everyday.
A pain that most people will never experience or understand.
A pain that may never ease up.
A pain that hurts deep inside.
A pain that rips through my heart.
This pain has a name.
For a lot people, it’s just another word. It doesn’t affect them. It doesn’t leave them with empty, aching arms month after month.
It doesn’t make them wonder what is wrong with them. Or why their bodies can’t do something nature intended for them to do.
Infertility affects approximately 7.3 million women and their partners around the world.
I am one of many.
There are many faces of infertilty. Millions of people wanting nothing more than to be parents. Struggling month after month, with no results, watching person after person experience our dreams.

Infertility is unfair.
Infertility is cruel.
Infertility is my life.
And all I want is for it to end.
I want my miracle. I long for the excitement of a postive pregnancy test. I long to hear my babies heartbeat. I long to feel flutters of life in my belly.
But most of all, I long to be called Mommy.

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Doctor Update
Just thought I would update everyone. I had my second ultrasound today
after taking my Femara, and it went really well. He said I had a great
respone to the medicine, and I should be ovulating in the next few days.
He showed me the BIG follicle where the egg is going to come from, and
now I know why I have been having some tenderness in that area! He also
said he was going to prescribe Femara more often if everyone's uterine
lining looked as fabulous as mine. :-) I know that doesn't mean a lot to
most of you, but it's good news!
He is so funny. He said, go home and tell your husband to have some coffee and get busy! When I told him Brent was at work all night, he told me to be waiting for him naked when he gets home! Ha!
So, everyone please continue to send the good thoughts and prayers our way...hopefully in the next few weeks or so I will have some good results! ;-)
He is so funny. He said, go home and tell your husband to have some coffee and get busy! When I told him Brent was at work all night, he told me to be waiting for him naked when he gets home! Ha!
So, everyone please continue to send the good thoughts and prayers our way...hopefully in the next few weeks or so I will have some good results! ;-)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Survey Says...
So, I had my infertility appointment with my doctor today. Here is what I found out...
He did some blood work and an ultrasound. I love him, I thought this was going to be more of a consultation, but he jumped right in! The blood work isn't back yet, but he thinks I have some form of Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS. Basically, it can do all kinds of things, cause acne, hair loss, hair growth, insulin problems, late ovulaiton, irregular cycles, etc. He thinks that while I do ovulate, I ovulate too late in my cycle (more like day 20 instead of 14) to produce a good quality egg.
PCOS effects the endocrine system, which can mess up insulin production, which, in turn can disrupt ovulation. So, he put me on a couple medications. The first one is a metformin, which is actually used to treat diabetes. I don't have that, but he thinks my insulin is too high, which the bloodwork can confirm, which makes me ovulate too late. So, by taking this, it will lower my insulin production, and cause me to ovulate sooner.
The second one is Femara, which is a fertility drug. If you've ever heard of Clomid, it's similar to that. It contains estrogen. He thinks I might produce too much testosterone, which is common with PCOS and late ovulation. So, this should make me have a more regular 28 day cycle and ovulate sooner. I have regular cycles now, but they are more like 34 days instead of the average 28.
So, I start the metformin tomorrow and take it every day. The Femara I take days 4-8 of my cycle, and then we are to time intercourse, starting on day 10 up through ovulation. I have to come back in on February 20 to get an ultrasound and make sure it isn't thinning the lining of my uterus and that there aren't 1200 eggs in there!
He said it's one of those things, that becase I am healthy, I have regular cycles, even though I ovulate late. However, if I were to gain 20 or 30 pounds, I might jump to 60-90 day cycles. The later the ovulation, the worse your chance of getting pregnant.
So, this is the plan for now, to try this for a few months and see what happens. He isn't recommend Brent get any testing for now, since he thinks this is the problem. I about crapped my pants when I picked up the prescription, though. For 15 pills of Femara ( 3 months supply) it was $208!! Sheesh, it better work.
All thoughts and prayers are still appreciated. I really hope this will be the solution for us!
He did some blood work and an ultrasound. I love him, I thought this was going to be more of a consultation, but he jumped right in! The blood work isn't back yet, but he thinks I have some form of Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS. Basically, it can do all kinds of things, cause acne, hair loss, hair growth, insulin problems, late ovulaiton, irregular cycles, etc. He thinks that while I do ovulate, I ovulate too late in my cycle (more like day 20 instead of 14) to produce a good quality egg.
PCOS effects the endocrine system, which can mess up insulin production, which, in turn can disrupt ovulation. So, he put me on a couple medications. The first one is a metformin, which is actually used to treat diabetes. I don't have that, but he thinks my insulin is too high, which the bloodwork can confirm, which makes me ovulate too late. So, by taking this, it will lower my insulin production, and cause me to ovulate sooner.
The second one is Femara, which is a fertility drug. If you've ever heard of Clomid, it's similar to that. It contains estrogen. He thinks I might produce too much testosterone, which is common with PCOS and late ovulation. So, this should make me have a more regular 28 day cycle and ovulate sooner. I have regular cycles now, but they are more like 34 days instead of the average 28.
So, I start the metformin tomorrow and take it every day. The Femara I take days 4-8 of my cycle, and then we are to time intercourse, starting on day 10 up through ovulation. I have to come back in on February 20 to get an ultrasound and make sure it isn't thinning the lining of my uterus and that there aren't 1200 eggs in there!
He said it's one of those things, that becase I am healthy, I have regular cycles, even though I ovulate late. However, if I were to gain 20 or 30 pounds, I might jump to 60-90 day cycles. The later the ovulation, the worse your chance of getting pregnant.
So, this is the plan for now, to try this for a few months and see what happens. He isn't recommend Brent get any testing for now, since he thinks this is the problem. I about crapped my pants when I picked up the prescription, though. For 15 pills of Femara ( 3 months supply) it was $208!! Sheesh, it better work.
All thoughts and prayers are still appreciated. I really hope this will be the solution for us!
Friday, January 8, 2010
One small step for Amanda, one giant leap towards kicking infertility to the curb!
For all my loyal (ha!) blog followers, just thought I would update that I
scheduled a doctor's appointment for February 2nd, to start the process
of figuring out what is wrong with this baby machine! I am sure it will
be awhile before I know anything, but it feels good to have taken the
next step! Wish us luck!
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